Firsts and Lasts

So I received my first ‘Have Fun’ card during a get together that will be one of the lasts before we shove off. I got oddly emotional about it which seems silly to me since we’re not moving away permanently. It’s just a 4 month trip, but the card came from one of my favorite people on this planet and made me realize this trip is actually really totally happening. It’s overwhelming, scary but completely exciting! Everything’s falling into place! Work? Check! Cats that aren’t coming with us? Check! Cat coming with us? Check! Furniture gone? Check! Date of departure? Not close enough. Harumph…

2 Comments on “Firsts and Lasts

  1. Have a wonderful trip and adventures to last a lifetime! I cannot wait to hear all about it and see the pictures. Be safe and – not goodbye, but – “we’ll be seeing you!”
    Much love to you both!

  2. I love you guys and can’t wait to hear all about your adventures you soon will embark upon!!!

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